Neuralink, is a neurotechnology company, co-founded by Elon Musk and others. It aims to develop implantable brain-machine interfaces that can enable communication between the human brain and computers or other external devices. The goal of Neuralink is to enhance human cognitive abilities and potentially address neurological disorders.
Neuralink Functioning
The Neuralink technology involves the insertion of tiny, flexible electrode threads into the brain using a minimally invasive surgical procedure using R1 robot. These electrodes can detect and record neural activity with high precision. The threads are connected to a small, coin-sized device called the “Link,” which sits behind the ear and communicates wirelessly with external devices. The threads or insulated wires are implanted in the skull and connected with the chipset (link) which rests behind the ear. The other latest option available for insertion is a wireless model directly implanted in the skull.
Picture: Neuralink device.
The Link connects the brain and computers, allowing bi-directional communication. It can transmit information from the brain to external devices and also receive data or instructions from those devices back to the brain. The long-term vision of Neuralink is to create a symbiotic relationship between humans and artificial intelligence, enabling a direct interface between the two.
While Neuralink’s primary focus is on medical applications, such as helping individuals with paralysis or neurological disorders regain control over their limbs or facilitating better understanding and treatment of brain-related conditions, the technology also has potential for non-medical applications, including enhanced cognitive abilities, virtual reality, and even potentially augmenting human intelligence
Neuralink won the court battle to conduct human trials recently and is being hailed as a transformational idea. However, it must be noted that Neuralink is not the first company that delved into this project. NeuroPort Array, Blackrock Neutrotech, Synchron etc are too working on Implantable brain machine interfaces technology. Synchron is currently running on an earlier timeline than others with having received approval to start clinical trials for its Stentrode device. It is inserted in the jugular vein to gather neurological signals that are then used to control a computer mouse and keyboard.
Neuralink’s possibility for bring about a change was presented before the public in a talk held by the company. Musk gave an example of a monkey that had learnt how to play pong and was able to control the game through his thoughts alone. This was made possible through the Neuralink chip. The scalability of the same was also considered by the team and they plan to open a Neura Clinic for the insertions.
Picture: Monkeys doing various tasks with the help of Neuralink
Neuralink thus links biology with technology. It is essentially applying engineering solutions to biological functions. It could help restore motor functions for people with paralysis, spinal cord injuries, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy etc. It could also help individuals to control computers, smartphones, and other devices through neural signals alone. It may provide new avenues for individuals with physical disabilities to access technology and enhance their quality of life.
Moreover, Neuralink and similar technologies might have the potential to augment human cognitive abilities. By facilitating direct brain-machine interfaces, it could enable enhanced memory, learning, or information processing capabilities. However, it’s essential for to proceed with these developments with caution.
Medical community has pointed out to the poor track record of the company in their animal trials. In a joint statement released by the Physicians Committee for Responible Medicine, they alleged that the company has “failed to maintain standard operating procedures while altering documents, which may have compromised the quality and integrity of data it has submitted or plans to submit to FDA in violation of GLP regulations.”
Another caution being sounded is regarding possible inflammation and infection. In the long term, implants tend to be surrounded by inflammation and glia. This prevents it from receiving signals from neurons and possible breaking the blood barrier of the brain. Critics thus worry about the possibility of infections, neural damage, or other adverse effects. Ensuring the safety and long-term well-being of individuals using brain implants is a significant concern.
The approval to human clinical trials at a stage where animal trials have not been quite safe has also sounded alarm bells. The data for the same has not been published either. To allow the conduct of such trials despite possible risks has raised a number of ethical issues as well.
One of the primary concerns is related to the ethical implications of brain-machine interfaces. Critics worry about potential violations of privacy, autonomy, and consent when accessing or manipulating an individual’s thoughts or brain activity. The invasive nature of Neuralink’s technology and its potential long-term effects on brain health.
With regard to human trials, the idea of informed consent, balancing risks and benefits, selection criteria for participants, oversight, transparency etc should all be duly considered since several cases of human rights violations exist.
In order to make this new piece of transformative technology palatable and scalable to the public, Neuralink must ensure that proper, safe research is undertaken and transparent clinical data is published. Brain is a difficult organ to work on so the medical community must be consulted and an informed decision must be arrived at for the benefit of humanity.
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